How we can do right by the next generation of native people

How we can do right by the next generation of native people

It was my honor to present research from the Reclaiming Native Truth project at the 2020 BYM Women’s Retreat—an annual gathering of Quaker women seeking truth and pursuing a more peaceful and equitable world. The project’s groundbreaking research and analyses reveal how and why myths and toxic stereotypes about native people are allowed to continue in digital and mass media and in consumer brands. In short, the absence of native people post-1900 in K-12 education creates a void in public…

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Drama Can Make Us Smarter and Happier

Drama Can Make Us Smarter and Happier

When I was starting 9th grade, I wanted to apply to our county’s magnet high school for finance. That would look great on a college application, thought my younger self. I was sure Wall Street and Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous were to be found along that gilded brick road. I pitched the change-of-venue plan to my mom complete with timing of the morning and afternoon commutes. Her answer: a hard no—a stifling no—a because-I-said-so no with which there…

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What We Didn’t Know About Respecting Our Elders

What We Didn’t Know About Respecting Our Elders

Most of us were told as kids to respect our elders, but few of us got much guidance to help understand what that means or why it matters. Unsure of the rules, I muddled through with an extra dose of good manners (a lot of “yes, Ma’ams” and “no, Sirs”) on those rare occasions when I encountered an old person I didn’t know. From what I could see, elder status was undesirable to adults. I don’t recall my parents or…

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Solving the Life Equation in an Expanding Universe

Solving the Life Equation in an Expanding Universe

Since our earliest days as humans, we struggled to care for ourselves, our young, and our elders while testing theories to improve quality of life on this harsh planet. As we entered the Space Age, we came to believe the struggles of the past would fade into the distance like so many spent rocket boosters. Affordable daycare and time-saving kitchen appliances meant mom was liberated to join the 9-to-5 workforce. Cheap life and long-term care insurance meant we would never…

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